

Different Kinds of Ceramic Tiles for Your Home Floor

Ceramic tiles have become very popular nowadays because of their ranges of colors and patterns and also their durability. Besides all this, the tiles can’t be affected by water. There are several types of ceramic tiles and it is important to know which one is best for your home.

ceramic tiles
The first type is very bright tiles. They are easier to clean, but can become very slippery due to water. The ceramic tiles have a glaze surface which makes them impervious to moisture. Depending on the thickness of the glaze, ceramic tiles can be more difficult or sensitive to wear. 10 tiles are rated the most difficult and those with a nominal are easier to scratch.

Mosaic tiles are another good choice for your bathroom. Mosaic tiles are very hard and also, despite their appearance, quite easy to install. They are mounted on larger sheets which further makes them easier to be applied. Mosaic tiles are also water-proof because of their slippery matte surface.

ceramic tiles for bathroom 
What you should also know about the tiles is that they have a lot of weight. And so putting a lot of stress on the floor of your bathroom is quite a task, as the tiles are not flexible for a level and rigid floor.

