

General laying advice for quartz tiles to improve its durability and longevity

Have the correct tools. – Without proper tools you cannot achieve the target, and it is a waste of time also. So make sure to use the right tool. For example if you want to chip your tiles, then use a screw driver and a hammer. If you want to apply mortar then use a trowel. If you do not have the proper tools then get it from your neighbors or get it from tool rental stores. Almost every rental tool store has them, so you get them on rent or purchase them.

Take time to prepare the area. – You may plan to do your tile project during the weekend, but, over the weekend, you may not do a proper job and you may rush it out. And this is one big mistake we all of us do. If you find your floor is not even or smooth, then take time to make it smooth and even by filling it. To fill holes, get cement leveling compound from home department stores.
Dry fit the tiles. – Before you start laying the tiles, dry fit them and then lay them on mortar. Dry fitting tiles not only save time but also we can place them using appropriate measurements. Stay tuned for more info about Quartz Tileslike cleaning, installation, before buying tips etc

